The Mission: Position Napa Valley wines in China as the equal of the top French wines, which dominate the market for fine imported wines.
The Challenge: Chinese buyers who can afford the best wines are not confident in their own judgment and default to French wines for gifting and consumption with friends. Napa Valley wines are perceived as expensive, and lesser known than “name” French wines.
The Solution: Implement a complex strategy focused on consumer and trade education; social media; vintner trips to China; and trips to Napa Valley for on-trade, off-trade, educators and media. Also represent NVV at major trade shows in China.
The Result: Sales of Napa Valley wines continue to rise in China despite continued import duty disadvantages and a big promotional budget differential with competitor wine regions.
Our Work for the Napa Valley Vintners
- China Strategy
- Consumer & trade education
- Social Media
- Media Relations
- Press & Trade Trips to Napa
- Trade Shows in China
- Vintner Trips to China